Wounds are among the most common injuries that people can suffer. However, individuals can make the mistake of severely underestimating the need to properly tend to their wounds. As a result, they can be at a greater risk of developing complications, scars, or other problems. Here are some tips for proper wound care:
Thoroughly Clean The Wound
Among the most important steps that you can take to help your wound heal is to thoroughly clean it. When the injured area is not thoroughly cleaned soon after forming, bacteria can get in the wound and greatly increase the risk of complications forming. When cleaning the area, you should thoroughly rinse it with water before applying a sanitizing agent to it.
Determine Whether Stitches Will Be Needed
When a wound is particularly long or wide, stitches can be necessary to allow it to heal. If it is too wide or deep, it may not be possible for it to effectively heal on its own. Stitches will close this gap so that the two sides of skin can start to grow back together. Determining whether stitches are needed can be tricky. Generally, if the wound is wider or deeper than a quarter of an inch, stitches may be necessary. Additionally, you should have stitches if it is possible to see fat or muscle tissue through the wound.
Avoid Disturbing The Wound As It Heals
It can take many weeks or longer for a wound to fully heal. During this time, it is important to avoid disturbing the wound. Individuals can have a habit to pick at their wounds, but this can severely slow the healing process, and it can increase the risk of scarring or infection. When cleaning the wound, you will also want to take care to avoid disturbing the scab, as this could produce the same negative results. To avoid accidentally disturbing the wound over the course of the day, it should be covered with a bandage or gauze.
Know The Warning Signs Of Complications
A common mistake that patients make is to delay seeking treatment for complications that arise from their injury. Some of the early warning signs of wound complications will be swelling, pus collecting in the wound, and worsening pain or discomfort. Whenever your injury starts to exhibit these symptoms, you may want to have it evaluated and treated by a doctor. In many instances, severe problems can be avoided if antibiotic medications or other treatments are used when the problem is in its early stages.